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Golden Steel Plate



Actively supporting business leaders and professionals in designing the journey and required actions to meet their goals. I am here to help you set, follow and achieve concrete objectives to navigate challenges and opportunities, while gaining clarity, confidence and a feeling of empowerment.

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My experience includes over 15 years in the banking and finance industry, during which I assumed multiple and diverse roles in areas such as Sales, Business Analytics and Business Intelligence and Payments Technology. It all translated into setting and developing teams, managing and coordinating talents and capabilities, supporting people development, initiating and consolidating long-term partnerships and stakeholders relations, developing portfolios, tracking specific indicators to increase productivity, driving innovation, meeting business targets, boosting performance and enhancing organizational growth and leadership. Some of the above or even all may resonate with you as well. As you would expect, the road was not always smooth, and challenges were constantly around the corner, which has offered me a wide range of learning opportunities, comprehensive understanding and actionable insights.


This journey also became the build-up for a strong drive to use all the knowledge I gained and combine it with my passion for personal development to generate added value for professionals with high ambitions, through coaching. In order to be able to provide a high level of expertise, I dedicated time to becoming a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), recognized by The International Coach Federation, and I graduated the Certified Coach Program from The International Coach Academy. I am a strong promoter of professional transformation, starting with my own example, and I consider that challenges that arise along the way are excellent growth opportunities.


I believe trust to be the basis of any authentic relation, in everyday life and business, in general, and in coaching, in particular. Trust is rooted in respect, transparency and efficient communication, a trio that is bound to generate positive impact, and the approach that is able to turn limiting beliefs into a power force for improvement, accelerated development and, ultimately, transformation. For this reason, I focus on leveraging creative ways to question patterns.


And since I was referring to everyday life, allow me for a brief introduction of the person behind the professional and the coach. I am a husband and father to my 9-year-old son, and my family is my primary source of energy, my main support in overcoming the greatest challenges and the place nurturing my best decisions. If we meet, you will find I am a true optimist, but also very calculated in all my decisions. I love traveling and discovering destinations that offer new experiences, and I often enjoy cooking dishes based in Mediterranean or Asian cuisine. My favorite exercise is running while listening to audiobooks, I have completed three half marathons and my next goal is preparing for my first marathon.


What about you? What are you passionate about? What is the next level for you? If you feel determined to reach your high professional ambitions, start by unlocking new perspectives and shaping the right growth path. Looking forward to working together!

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